Imagine a boy of fifteen, who during the summer holidays on the Black Sea coast acquainted with one very attractive girl slightly older than themselves. Initiative close communication takes it into their own hands. under the influence of alcohol he wants to look like adults. Overall, it was the first sex in his life, with unprotected sex. It has been several years. And the fourth course at the University of the young man drew attention to the fact that he appeared strong fatigue and irritability, appetite disappeared. Suppose that fell ill with tuberculosis. However fluorography was in order. Even wanted to appeal to a psychiatrist. And then he remembered something about his first girlfriend, which could infect him with HIV. Not immediately he decided to surrender blood. Thought suicide, if you find that he is infected. All the terrible suspicions were confirmed. I was sorry unfortunate young man, who eight years is a terrible virus, acquired on its own stupidity and inexperience (although I do not know why he was confident that it is the girl became infected). But there is another side issue. At least five years, he did not even suspect about his status. And how many sexual partners he was during this time? Always whether the sex was protected? Maybe there are girls who are unaware that became infected with HIV from a university student, probably a boy from a good family. And it is possible that now transmit the virus to other young people. To join a viral chain, second, third link. Change partners, and each carries HIV further and further… Think about it and I was horrified: my elder son fifteen summer! We, of course, discussing with him the relationship of boys and girls. But on HIV and AIDS is not yet call a special bylo.But exact figure involved in the fatal vortex unknown. The name of various data from 357 thousand to 1.4 million people infected with HIV. The first Uige and died from AIDS were young American male homosexuals. Today, palm Championship among HIV-infected drug addicts keep injecting drug users. These include The Leap approaching women and men, heterosexuals, not limiting itself one sexual partner and now wife and (mostly housewives). Although we do or not, but a certain number of adolescents still in school becomes first sexual experience. And pregnancy among girls schoolgirls - is, of course, won a case from a number of retiring, but far from the worst compared with HIV infection. Because some sex education to school children today must first of all as prevention of this terrible disease. Only it is important to find the best option to communicate with children about this, of course, of concern to them, so as to prevent and not to harm. The Americans, for example, already managed to not only host to introduce various programmes of work with adolescents in this direction, but also distribute them in some developing countries. Although these programs have not always worked successfully, but always finansirovalis.May be and so, but not always. Now the Americans are conducting HIV / AIDS prevention programme for regular ABC (Abstinence, Being faithful, condoms), drawing as assistants and adolescents themselves, assuming (and not unreasonably) that peers faster and more intuitive explain that what. It is that the teenagers themselves can choose the way HIV / AIDS prevention: either abstain from sexual activity until a certain point, or be faithful to one partner or use a condom every time sexual contact. Definitely something from this program could come and we, Russians, if properly arrange accents. But now we do not yet have state programs for adolescents on HIV / AIDS, and there was only trying to educate on the part of public organizations and charitable foundations. In such a situation come to the first plan trusting relationship in the family, parents communicate with their children. It was difficult to find words to touch on such kind of topic related to sexual relations. And it is important to note whether the child is ready for this conversation? Whether he wants to discuss it with parents? If - yes, it can not delay! Teenagers need to speak the truth about AIDS, including about condoms, and the price lust sex. Then let us speak the truth! Condom protects against HIV infection? Excellent! And if it accidentally went down? While not registered a single case of HIV transmission through a kiss (even sex)? And who wants to be first in these statistics? What do you say about pettinge - seems to so-called affection without sex (this has taught our children, youth magazines, the question of the closure before the end of which is not solved yet)? So as a result of such Dutch are known pregnancies in cases of virgins. Who will come from teenagers to wear a condom in the head for this kind of entertainment, when sexual intercourse is not planned? But in sperm are known to contain the virus. The silence of these facts can not be too! Let teens know what may turn into moments of "happiness". AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, the last stage of HIV infection, when the number of T4-helpers in the blood falls below 200 per cubic millimeter of blood. HIV / AIDS - incurable disease. This virus has no vaccine, but thanks to the efforts of scientists around the world developed and successfully used drugs, which facilitated during the illness and allow HIV-positive for many years and life and disability remain active. HIV is present in the blood, sperm and vaginal secretions of infected persons can be transferred to other people only in the event of diversion of these liquids in their organisms. The main mode of HIV transmission are -- Unprotected (ie without a condom) anal, vaginal or oral sex; -- The use of tools for injection of drugs; -- Perinatal transmission from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. HIV is not transmitted in household contacts between people. Intact skin is an insurmountable barrier to the virus. That is why HIV is not transmitted through a handshake and embrace. Contents of the virus in saliva slightly. Do not recorded a single case of HIV transmission through a kiss. Transmission of the virus in this way should be available at each of the partners open bleeding wounds in the mouth. Not enough virus for transmission fluid tearfully neither in nor sweat nor in the urine or in Calais. Moreover, these substances contained in substance lysozyme can destroy the outer shell virus and make it inactive. That is why HIV is not transmitted by sharing a bathroom and toilet. In the digestive tract will kill the virus, so that if liquid containing the virus enters the human stomach, contamination does not occur. That is why HIV is not transmitted in the sharing of cutlery, glassware. More detailed information is available in huge quantities on the open spaces of the Internet. But it can and adolescents themselves. It is important - to begin the conversation. click here