The first sexual experience remains in the minds of persons, regardless of their wishes. Especially important is it for women as creatures more receptive and emotional. Unsuccessful first experience very often the cause of frigid women, its indifference to sex, inability to experience orgasm, sexual disharmony and its negative attitudes towards men in general. Often it happens in appalling sanitary conditions, hastily, drunk, under the yoke of fear and pressure for a more active part, forcibly and brings none of the participants either happiness or satisfaction. On the contrary, remains in memory as something unpleasant, painful and ugly. What, you do not want to remember, and quickly be removed from life. And large lucky girl, if her partner would be the first person knowledgeable, experienced, tactful and cautious. And a loving, of course. Because all its subsequent connection, she inadvertently will skip through the impressions its very first night. What will they? Pleasant, or not quite appalling? In large measure this depends on it ... First time, usually painful and frightening and unpleasant. And if the gross and nevnimatelen partner, and even bitter. And do not believe their "experienced" young girlfriend, who is the first time ascended to heaven and experienced heavenly pleasure. It is virtually impossible, even physiologically, because traumatic (even if virginity is a Worthless elastic, not tear, and stretch the natural barrier). Even if the first man experienced, and attentive, and loving, hardly a girl would be able to experience orgasm. This exceptional case rather than the rule. And if proximity is happening with peers, the same young and inexperienced, as it is something not very pleasant and even funny moments, alas, can not be avoided. But all retrievable if young people come to this for love, spiritual affection, knowingly and voluntarily. And most importantly weighed. And if all else happens? Incidentally, for stupidity, out of fear ... Of this absurd and painful experience girl often makes the impression of frustration and experiencing aversion to sex sometimes for many years. Many women's sex problems associated with it is unfortunate the first sexual experience. Why do the girls are going at it Because of the difference in motivation and levels of sexual development guys and girls in adolescence and early youthful age. It relates to how they look at issues of love and friendship. A girl aged 14 - 18 years old wonder of romantic love, platonic love relationships, tender friendship. They like to read novels and watch love melodrama and imagine relationships men and women in a beautiful and romantic vein, mutual sympathy, good relations, tenderness. They are in our dreams very far from animal instincts and gusts flesh, which is dormant in them. Manifestations of activity on the part of young men frightens them, repellent, resulting in confusion and even upset. Sexuality in the wake them much later.