If you have a young child, compared with which all previous problems seem innocent flowers. The transitional age recalls revolt on the ship, revolt against the usual fabric, parental authority and power - sometimes senseless, but inevitable. One must only remember that, first, against you personally, your child grew up something does not have anything, it is simply self-sustaining him accessible ways, trying to resist the adult world, which has so want, but who did not already make. And secondly, because this is not forever, right? Then, a few years, when "a child to go mad, 'you'll laugh together over the" adult "period of his life.V sexual education every tactic himself chooses to communicate with the child, but the bans will not help here - that's for sure! If you feel uneasiness - give a book, including at the right time TV, went to a lecture, in short, let understand how to behave, to avoid unwanted the effects of intimate relationships. At the end-all, sometimes you can "liberate territory" - better to let them meet in an apartment than in any basement. The answer came itself, when in the life of a daughter occurred adolescence. All of us women who passed through it, and therefore know how changing nature during puberty. Moreover, the changing perception of himself as well as the surrounding world. It is not easy to part with childhood and his illusions, and simultaneously find that this become a woman! I remember as a teenager, I stood before the mirror long, carefully considering how sitting next to me on patrol. I really did not like reflected, and this was a real tragedy. I looked in the mirror and saw that dress, sewn mother - very ugly and tasteless in the world, and it has to bear my figure. Now, as an adult woman, I understand that the dress was sewn fairly well, and his color was walking me to face. But then for me everything was the opposite. Or, take for example, freckles. They appeared on my face bright with the first rays of the March sun and brought me a lot of grief. I followed all the advice of friends, trying to bring this "evil". I thought that because of freckles I look for too childish, and no serious guy does not look at me. I will not give more examples - they can remember every woman of her life. Better tell a different story. A teenager is changing not only self, but also the views of the world. For him, he is not so, what was in childhood. So the real revolution in worldview rights! And the third point which I want to say. At adolescent behavior and affect purely physiological reasons related to changes in his body. Very often the child argue with parents or with them doggish, not wishing to himself. The body of influences on human behaviour much more than he suspects. It is not, eastern practices, along with the philosophy, paying great attention to work with the physical body. So if your daughter became a teenager-you avoid or you gross, do not be quick to condemn her or swearing. Remember the important things that happen to your daughter: 1) it is changing self. It turns from a child in a woman, and this samomtoyatelnost involves much larger than before; 2) a girl begins to perceive the world differently. In her life changing accents, and often values. In such times it is particularly important peers recognition, especially males. This is quite natural - a girl wants to become a normal woman; 3) sharpness in communication and capricious behavior and have a purely physiological causes associated with the transition of its body into the adult stage of development. If before that you were good with a daughter relationships of trust, you do not lose them even in this difficult period. Moreover, your daughter may sat best friend, just like you for it. In preserving and strengthening relations leading role belongs to her mother. Try to understand his daughter, remembering that themselves experienced something similar. No "our generation has been modest, smarter etc" - this will only aggression by the teenager. But understanding and patience will be rewarded necessarily. Adolescence in the life of the daughter really interesting and mother. You will convey their experiences and teach her many things. For example, instead of grumbling about the beginning of use cosmetics and teach how to use it correctly, not forgetting to tell about the harm of its permanent use. With regard to smoking and alcohol, here is especially important personal example. If you prohibit daughters from cigarette smoke in the teeth, unless the will of the same result? In conclusion, I want to say about one point, which, in my view, must be borne in mind in a family where there is a teenager: Your child feels adults. So you refer to it accordingly and respect him. Let love is not blind and selfish. click here