Each person is of different orgasm, a purely individual emotions. It can awaken a storm of pleasant sensations, associations and even memories. This is like the indomitable nature that can not know until the end. And if there is no orgasm at all?proposes to take it seriously… Scientists believe that initially the ability to obtain orgasm were given only men - it was reward for active in breeding and procreation are. For women it was not programmed. Therefore, obtaining "the peak of pleasure" men began to enjoy much earlier than women. Only evolution brought men and women in the willingness and ability to receive orgasm. Recent studies in this area not encouraging: nearly 30% of American women have never experienced orgasm with a man in the vicinity, another 15% are not regularly. If we consider the statistics in the world, then approximately half of women experiencing orgasm frequently, about 30% - and rarely about 17% percent - never. According to German researchers for their lives (based on life expectancy 78 years) people on average experiencing a maximum of 10-12 hours orgasm, and 6 weeks erotic prelude. Women receive pleasure from sex less than men: women orgasm lasts for a lifetime total 3.4 hours, the same men earn on average 9.3 hours orgasm. The lack of orgasm risks to the health of women. Those who do not keep long regular sex life, begin the processes of various unpleasant - Women's disease. ladies (and no matter what way), by contrast, reduced morbidity: they get sick less often breast cancer and cancer of internal genital organs - by 15%, infarction - by 13%, stroke - by 10%, Alzheimer's disease - by 20% . Experts identify three types of female orgasm: klitoralny, vaginal and vnegenitalny. By stimulating clitoris partner with your hands, tongue, lips or a member, you can call it klitoralny orgasm. There is another well-proven method of achieving orgasm . In the clitoris is capable of triggering a strong swell and rise several times. For vaginal orgasm require stimulation vagina. The strength and duration of the pleasure depends on the size and speed of a member of his movement. The more intensely and stimulation, so transient vaginal orgasm. When he reached more dilatory motions, it is longer and deeper. Here you can select separately uterine orgasm. Womb orgasm occurs when sexual stimulation of the cervix member. It also depends on the length of male sexual organ. Vnegenitalny orgasm occurs when kiss, embrace and weasel, without stimulation of the genitals. At such an orgasm can only 1 in 10 women. Typically, a woman orgasm lasts about 10 seconds, less frequently - up to one minute. In addition to solitary, and there are multiple orgasm - it can take up to 10 minutes. click here
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