One of the four teenage girls in the U.S. infected at least one sexually transmitted disease, showed a study published by the Centre control and prevent diseases. The first study designed to determine the incidence statistics sexually transmitted infections among young women, showed that at least 3.2 million adolescents aged 14 to 19 years are infected at this time.However, the authors warn that the real figures could be much above 26%, as well as experts took into account only the four most common diseases. Half of the 838 girls who participated in the study reported that are sexually active. 40% of them sick sexually transmitted diseases. Especially prone to risk African American girls: 48% of them had STDs. This figure is more than twice the same for white teenage girls - 20%. The most common disease human papilloma virus was (HPV), the incidence which is 18.3%.Hlamidioz found at 3.9% of girls-teenagers, trihomonoz - at 2.5%, and herpes - at 1.9%. Among girls who was sick sexually transmitted diseases, 15% had treated more than one disease. The level of incidence increased to 50% among young women who were more than three partners. Among those was a partner, only 20% are sick. Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends vaccinations do papilloma virus of all women aged 11 to 25 years, as well as annual checkups to detect hlamidioza all sexually active women over 25 years. Although the majority of infections can get rid of some of them remain and can cause cervical cancer. Two other studies have shown that girls at risk, very rarely invited to check for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. The experts found that only 27% of young women, applied to hospital for emergency contraception, advised pass tests on hlamidioz or gonorrhoea. The second study showed that only 38% of women checked for unplanned pregnancy, roly tests, receive counselling or treatment. click here