30% of women have sex at the first date.Eto became known, thanks to a survey sponsored journal "Sexual research and social policy" National Research Centre sex USA. According to the author of the study, one of the reasons for such behaviour to unchain women is the fact that prior to the first lady visits can learn a lot about your partner during telephone conversations, correspondence in ICQ or by e-mail, which increases their interes.Possibility emergence of intimate proximity greatly increases the attractiveness of men if foreign forces a woman to check whether the rest of its expectations. The study showed that 30% of women who have sex on first date, 77% did not use any means of protection, and 75% did not discuss the issues of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. The researchers used data posted on various dating sites. The survey was conducted among 740 women, 568 of which met with their online friends in real life. Of the 30% of women who have entered into a sexual relationship at the first date, the majority deliberately sought sex and reported on this in their questionnaires. click here