Red wine on the heart operates the same way as starvation and prolong life - contained in wine resveratrol leads to the same changes in gene expression. Support the small level of substances in the blood must be constantly to completely copy the effect of fasting. Fried eggs with fried bacon for breakfast - not the best start of the day for your heart. Cholesterol and calories contribute to the development of metabolic syndrome, accelerated ageing and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in vessels. That is why doctors recommend to refrain . What is not always possible with their French cuisine, is considered one of the best in the world. As a result, relatively low incidence of heart disease in combination with diet rich in unsaturated fats, called "French paradox". As a result, wine, the benefits of which continue to insist scientists will soon recommend as a normal component of diet. However, outside of France are better look for other products containing resveratrol - the active substance which we are obliged to such effect. Scientists call it not the first time: it was shown efficacy in treating stroke and diabetes, slow aging and even to protect normal tissue from radiation, while weakening cancer cells to radiation therapy. Wine of experienced researchers not failed. First, unlike all the previous work in this area, they showed that even fairly small but steadily supported concentration. Secondly, they showed that if the wine is starting to drink in middle age, it is virtually replaces restrictions on food - at least at the genetic level. For example, in the heart of 1029 now known genes whose function changes with age. In the event that maintain animals on a diet low per capita calorie, 90% of these genes change their expression. And even small doses resveratrola at normal diet alter the expression by 92%. These data confirm previous studies have shown that the reception along with high-resveratrola allows food to maintain the level of glucose at a constant level. Moreover, found no effect explains why there are no harmful effects not only on health but also on the French figure, especially in comparison with the average American. It remains to wait until the following works of Gerontology, the more detail that they promised to look into mechanisms for the observed effects, as can be, and find new positive properties. click here