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Tormented us whether in fact the question: when exactly "assign" the first sex? Speaking frankly, we do not care about the very start, and men's reactions to our behaviour in this situation. After all, if we were not dependent on it, while the first sex was determined to us much easier and spontaneous. Most often, we wonder "is already possible or even no?" In two cases: to sex if the candidate is of great value to us or after, if sex happened as something suspiciously quickly. The question is relevant, but a general answer to the question "where to begin and whether to engage in sex first date without prejudice to its image in the eyes", is hardly possible. (And it proved the results of a survey of men on the subject). This article - an occasion for reflection, analysis us their actions and behaviour, as well as another opportunity to find out what THEY think about IT. In the process of consultation and analysis of literature on fast-sex revealed few clear trends. It is very encouraging, it must be said. Society is changing, and with it criteria for evaluating women and men and society as a whole. Of course, honour and conscience are still in vogue, but is exposed flaunt chaste not cause more enthusiasm, and a puzzling question: where the end game and begin its interest and feelings specifically to me? And do nothing to bring it more, except the imaginary inaccessibility? The slogan "If it happens quickly, he will think that I - a girl light of conduct" more and more becomes a myth. Understanding society that women also need sex and women's increased independence allow the men to abandon the stereotype "has quickly - cheap" without prejudice to its men's reputations. At least talk about this data sociological surveys - 70% of men do not consider "immoral" sex on first date. In the vast majority of cases for negative assessment of women, afford to lie in bed after a couple of meetings dating, men face a major uncertainty in itself. And only. Self-confident and independent thinking man with a quick estimate of sex as a proof of mutual interest, level of confidence in myself, and the degree of self-confidence of the woman herself. Of course, there are exceptions, but in such areas as sex manifestations of risk and spontaneity of course, strict rules exist here can not in principle. "If sex was the sole purpose of communication, then, of course, interest after the first night can divide. Otherwise, the girl occurred after only getting closer, opens a new dimension. Rather, the attitude may affect the way in which it behaves after sex. For example, it created chaos in my room, sharp familiarity indeed ". So for those who are acquainted with you just because you liked him, getting into the bed on your first date - no reason to label you and waved farewell to the moral code of the builder of communism. As for those men who puts a high objective entice the young girls and believes this is mainly a matter of life ... They are, in any case, sooner or later lost, whether the sex was immediately or after 3 years after its attempts to reach you. Lost sooner rather than later. Not because he was bored with you - they bored with ourselves. And do not overlook this allows only a events and partners. So is there any meaning to experience because of spontaneous sex with a similar one-time collector? That night (or half an hour in the chill-out club) - a new experience and possibly a good sex. However, spoon truth in this drum illusions that it is better later than sooner, still is. To quote one of the respondents: "Sex, after a certain period of communication and sex with little stranger - different things. According to emotions, received on experience, etc. Of course, sex "with the familiar" can provide a fundamentally different things ". We can confirm this idea on their own experience, is not it? Sex with those to whom feel certain feelings and just sex - different things! In addition, there is another aspect - to the more familiar people are lenient and appreciate his softer (including sex, and in the behavior before and after). But! Brakes developments that he appreciated your chistoplotnost and integrity - not the same as extend the period for a qualitatively different sex, sex another level proximity. You can decide. But the second version of the men (and intelligent women) seems more honest. Independence and self-confidence are capable of performing miracles even in the most hopeless situations. Agree, is that at theme was conceived after everything happened. After 15 minutes after the explosion of sex in a head start to dance bothersome questions: "What he will think about me? Suddenly he is the most inveterate conservative? A phone call whether he? And what he feels? How to behave? "Etc. Perhaps the psychologists would say that the best behavior in this situation - a natural and calm. Based on respect for themselves, respect for him and acceptance of such a situation, what it is, without dramatization. Think: what actually happened? You have expressed sympathy and concern to humans in certain ways. It is just happened. It was yours and his choice. Is it frightening and disturbing? And remember Council of Psychologists - behave calmly, but naturally. If you are very concerned about the issue of its relations and assess what happened - so please, with gently . For example, you can write sms like: "Hello. I lost a little bit because we happened so quickly. Even gone the Internet to read the articles and opinions on this subject ". Sms response is likely to clarify many of your doubts. But belated attempt to portray hire, says: "Oh, I never imagine before this is not allowed, second, that you thought about me now" unlikely to save your image. Who likes to feel or understand the mistake that he did not trust? So, to decide "when", you have to itself. Given that each case is individual and each person is unique, it is logical to assume that there are no strict rules. But there is intuition, self-esteem, honesty to ourselves and, most importantly, their own informed choices. If the relationship you want something more than the stereotypical use means for stereotyped goal.
Tormented us whether in fact the question: when exactly "assign" the first sex? Speaking frankly, we do not care about the very start, and men's reactions to our behaviour in this situation. After all, if we were not dependent on it, while the first sex was determined to us much easier and spontaneous. Most often, we wonder "is already possible or even no?" In two cases: to sex if the candidate is of great value to us or after, if sex happened as something suspiciously quickly. The question is relevant, but a general answer to the question "where to begin and whether to engage in sex first date without prejudice to its image in the eyes", is hardly possible. (And it proved the results of a survey of men on the subject). This article - an occasion for reflection, analysis us their actions and behaviour, as well as another opportunity to find out what THEY think about IT. In the process of consultation and analysis of literature on fast-sex revealed few clear trends. It is very encouraging, it must be said. Society is changing, and with it criteria for evaluating women and men and society as a whole. Of course, honour and conscience are still in vogue, but is exposed flaunt chaste not cause more enthusiasm, and a puzzling question: where the end game and begin its interest and feelings specifically to me? And do nothing to bring it more, except the imaginary inaccessibility? The slogan "If it happens quickly, he will think that I - a girl light of conduct" more and more becomes a myth. Understanding society that women also need sex and women's increased independence allow the men to abandon the stereotype "has quickly - cheap" without prejudice to its men's reputations. At least talk about this data sociological surveys - 70% of men do not consider "immoral" sex on first date. In the vast majority of cases for negative assessment of women, afford to lie in bed after a couple of meetings dating, men face a major uncertainty in itself. And only. Self-confident and independent thinking man with a quick estimate of sex as a proof of mutual interest, level of confidence in myself, and the degree of self-confidence of the woman herself. Of course, there are exceptions, but in such areas as sex manifestations of risk and spontaneity of course, strict rules exist here can not in principle. "If sex was the sole purpose of communication, then, of course, interest after the first night can divide. Otherwise, the girl occurred after only getting closer, opens a new dimension. Rather, the attitude may affect the way in which it behaves after sex. For example, it created chaos in my room, sharp familiarity indeed ". So for those who are acquainted with you just because you liked him, getting into the bed on your first date - no reason to label you and waved farewell to the moral code of the builder of communism. As for those men who puts a high objective entice the young girls and believes this is mainly a matter of life ... They are, in any case, sooner or later lost, whether the sex was immediately or after 3 years after its attempts to reach you. Lost sooner rather than later. Not because he was bored with you - they bored with ourselves. And do not overlook this allows only a events and partners. So is there any meaning to experience because of spontaneous sex with a similar one-time collector? That night (or half an hour in the chill-out club) - a new experience and possibly a good sex. However, spoon truth in this drum illusions that it is better later than sooner, still is. To quote one of the respondents: "Sex, after a certain period of communication and sex with little stranger - different things. According to emotions, received on experience, etc. Of course, sex "with the familiar" can provide a fundamentally different things ". We can confirm this idea on their own experience, is not it? Sex with those to whom feel certain feelings and just sex - different things! In addition, there is another aspect - to the more familiar people are lenient and appreciate his softer (including sex, and in the behavior before and after). But! Brakes developments that he appreciated your chistoplotnost and integrity - not the same as extend the period for a qualitatively different sex, sex another level proximity. You can decide. But the second version of the men (and intelligent women) seems more honest. Independence and self-confidence are capable of performing miracles even in the most hopeless situations. Agree, is that at theme was conceived after everything happened. After 15 minutes after the explosion of sex in a head start to dance bothersome questions: "What he will think about me? Suddenly he is the most inveterate conservative? A phone call whether he? And what he feels? How to behave? "Etc. Perhaps the psychologists would say that the best behavior in this situation - a natural and calm. Based on respect for themselves, respect for him and acceptance of such a situation, what it is, without dramatization. Think: what actually happened? You have expressed sympathy and concern to humans in certain ways. It is just happened. It was yours and his choice. Is it frightening and disturbing? And remember Council of Psychologists - behave calmly, but naturally. If you are very concerned about the issue of its relations and assess what happened - so please, with gently . For example, you can write sms like: "Hello. I lost a little bit because we happened so quickly. Even gone the Internet to read the articles and opinions on this subject ". Sms response is likely to clarify many of your doubts. But belated attempt to portray hire, says: "Oh, I never imagine before this is not allowed, second, that you thought about me now" unlikely to save your image. Who likes to feel or understand the mistake that he did not trust? So, to decide "when", you have to itself. Given that each case is individual and each person is unique, it is logical to assume that there are no strict rules. But there is intuition, self-esteem, honesty to ourselves and, most importantly, their own informed choices. If the relationship you want something more than the stereotypical use means for stereotyped goal.