Mistress radiates desire, therefore, becomes an object of sexual attention for those opposite sex. It is not sex "for the company", but with pleasure and joy. She - and boldly to unchain woman tries new posture and new places. Magnificent mistress were Cleopatra and Josephine, Lilya Brik and the Marquis de Pompadour. You can read them at leisure biographies and try to present themselves on the spot one of these great women. About entice the art, something must have an own mistress, says a lot. In some advise striptease dance, others - to visit the sex shop, in third - watch porn. You can try all this, but now we will stop at the other. Whatever was remarkable idea, but could become a striptease dance knees tremble, and viewing pornography - in humiliating copying items (often unbearable-acrobatic). This must be avoided at all costs. Your chief assistant on the road to a perfect mistress - a love for yourself. We need to love themselves unconditionally and selflessly, once and for all. Try to come to mirror reflection and say: "I love you". I can not? I am ashamed? Nothing, it will pass. A week later, another strenuous training this phrase will seem easy, and you feel a Geisha: mysterious, inaccessible, "end in itself". The next step - love your body. Understand that the model parameters "90-60-90" - this is not an end in itself in life, and the ideal figure does not in itself bring happiness. We need to love their chest, their hips and their hair. Think: Would you love your man, if he belonged with disgust to his torso? I am sure that not. Attitudes towards the body you want to learn from men - they are happy with, and not about the complex and without reason. Your eyes should be shone, as if you are filled (and so it is!) Any internal energy and force. Such eye charm. Imagine that flame burning inside you, and do not forget about it when doing shopping, walk, take a shower. Remember that the ideal mistress radiates desire. These three simple steps will give you the confidence . Once you have them, you can proceed directly to the enticement. click here