Scientists recommend to include in the normal diet of insects: so, in their view, it is possible to correct health and contribute to environmental protection. On the one hand, scientists say, insects are rich in nutrients, but because they are very useful to have. Thus, according to some studies, dried "carcass" of insects twice as much protein than meat or fish, and in addition, they contain the necessary vitamins and minerals the body. On the other hand, insects use in food will help reduce the number of insect pests and improve ecological conditions on the planet, writes Daily Mail. According to scientists, popular with residents of the western world dry breakfasts and chips can be easily replaced by insects, because the past is much more useful for health. Moreover, throughout the world have already eaten them: a study on the Organization of Food and Agriculture UN, 1700 species of insects eat in 130 countries worldwide, mainly in Asia and Africa. For example, in Thailand as a delicacy in restaurants serve fried crickets and caterpillars, in Papua New Guinea are popular insect larvae, wrapped in banana leaves and eat dragonflies in Bali. In many countries of Southeast Asia fried insects sold on the streets instead of chips and other snacks. clik here