It is believed that in the first place, people pay attention to the eyes of someone, then, on his lips and smile. "Centre for the Study of first impression" rating publishes the most "powerful" details of the exterior and invites all individual wishing to undergo testing. Obtained in touch with the testing equipment data were then tested quantitative test, which took place on the site "the Centre". If you wish - as they so far more than 5000 people - were invited online to explore some photos depicting people and they noted those details, which have attracted their attention first. The result was a fairly detailed statistics detail responsible for the first impression. In humans, whose appearance on neutral - tidy proportional features, etc. - primarily note eyes (30%), lips (24%) and hair (12%). When it comes to the exterior of Rights, which is obvious distracting elements - piercing, earrings, bright accessories, with the appearance items dandruff and other obvious "nuances" appearance, they first observed. Interesting graphics featured on the site "Centre" in the section of statistics, accompanied by photographs, which were proposed by participants in the test - their color spots marked the most "popular" details, attracted the attention of the respondents. Just look at these pictures and analyze the results and not have to torture themselves and speculate on the assumption that attracts the same. Then everyone will be able to assess and draw conclusions about your friends, and I assume, of course. However, specialists at the "Center" is not stopped. From today on the site works interactive quiz, let every know how impressive it is. Algorithm action is simple - you need only go to the site, download your photo, after which it could assess other visitors, noting the mouse cursor attract the most details. Then each, leaving information about itself receives a unique link, which posted his photo with marked on the main areas of attention. At the site itself, you can find tips on how to interpret the results, to evaluate the photos of other visitors, comment, chat and other miscellaneous stuff. Activity is prolonged, so not too keen on. click here