About dreams of eternal love, many young, and not only, special. But ruthless scientists to dethrone the myth of love to the grave: in their allegations, that feeling lived only four years, after which no go. Head of research, during which such conclusions were made, Georgina Montemayor Flores, argues: to be able to distinguish love from sympathy, sexual attraction and attachment. When feelings just emerging, human brain begins to develop special chemical compounds, resulting in active divisions, responsible for emotions. While inside the cranial boxes each single individual boiling passion, about anything except the subject beauty, people may think not. However, the nature of the organism such reactions may continue longer than four years. Even in the most romantic cases, the strength of positive emotions resource exhausted at the end of that period. A degree of influence on the psyche even love can be compared with a mental disorder that in some cases it is quite fair. The last five years show a steady result - the number of wounded Cupid boom ranges from 53% to 54%. For the most part, quite young lovers: 73% - 77% of them - are people aged 18 - 34 years. Notably, the romantic mood is directly dependent on the education of respondents: higher than it is, the stronger the emotional gusts are felt. If among those surveyed with education below the average feel enamored 34%, those who have higher or incomplete higher education, are recognized in this twice as often - in 62% of cases. It is heartening that most Americans were able to experience true love. There, among the respondents, recruited 43%. The two serious novels can boast 17% and 6% of Americans have never falls. In doing so than older respondents, the more difficult question to answer them, whether in their real life love. click here