Most couples as a means of protection against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies using a condom. But now their choices are so varied that get lost in the selection. Did you know that condo can be more fairly and Spicy highlight sex? Passion.ru disclose all the secrets of a condom! Condoms - the best way to ensure the protection of the sexual, not harmful to health and to ensure maximum protection against unwanted pregnancies and various Diseases . that the first mention of condoms date back to about 3000 BC. According to legend, the king Minos of Crete was very loves and often changed his wife Pasifae. Cursed the dismay of his wife, impose a strong spell, which during ejaculation Minos not erupt semen, and snakes and scorpions, and thus to bite badly years women have begun to die. Number mistress king has steadily decreased, but tolerated with the fact Minos did not want. Then he introduced into the vagina a mistress goatee bladder - and passed successfully. If you believe the legend, that day was his birthday and a condom. In any case, you can confidently say that condoms are no longer one million years. In the history of ancient Egypt are paintings on papyrus and stone with a condom on the penis, which while often were adorned with precious stones and tissues. Around the same time are mentioned in stories about the invention of Japan under the name "kavagata", which was intended to protect women from unwanted pregnancies. Kavagata roof of specially to treat the soft skin of animals. But the ancient Romans made preimage modern condoms from resin, and was the product of cylindrical form. According to archaeological excavations, the Romans began a large-scale production of condoms: their soldiers handed-legionnaires. But by the time of ancient material for condoms have already begun to serve sheep gut. As a protection against sexually transmitted diseases condom was used only at the end of 15 - early 16 centuries. Outbreaks of syphilis worldwide have forced scientists to think how to protect people from this terrible disease, treat that has not yet knew. It was then that Gabriel Fallopy - known at the time anatomist and the doctor - thought to protect themselves from syphilis through bags soaked in salt and special medicines, put on the sexual member. But in the sale of condoms only came in 1712. At the time, condoms were used only for personal hygiene when visiting brothels. Produces remedies from the blind gut animals, so were extremely expensive. The first condo of rubber was established in 1885 with the invention of curing. In the same Soviet Union (which, as we recall, "there was no sex") Issue was established under the patronage of the Lawrence Pavlovich Berii Bakovskom at the plant. Then condoms and received the title of "product number two", - "the number one product" at the above-mentioned factory were gas masks. But on the title so far are controversial: some consider that the word "condo" has Latin roots (condus), others - that is the title of doctor-parent Conde, who lived at the court of Charles II, still believe that the product has been identified that way thanks to the same city in France. Interestingly, in the Museum of London in the exhibition hall presented one of the most ancient of the found in archaeological excavations of condoms, which is about 350 years. Modern condoms made from latex, which is, on Research, the best protection preventing the infiltration of alien body fluid in women, and with it - bacteria, germs and microorganisms. click here