What can be annoying (disconcert, lead to confusion or anger) partner for more than a habit beloved lying on his back, logs and silently? Well, well, let's suppose you have another one or two alternative postures, which make some diversity in sex, say, in odd-numbered days of the week ... This, of course, well: you habitually, calmly, and achieve the necessary results are guaranteed. Only because we are interested not only (and not so much) the end result - the process itself is important, the process of obtaining pleasure! Agree, with a standard set of "missionary posture plus doggi-stayl on Fridays" joint life is not will and a half. Then the sexual life will be boring and fresh.Another problem - a habit to do so on schedule or on schedule. Usually - and just before sleeping in a bedroom under a large blanket. And what if replace evening performance of duty sudden passion white middle of the day in the kitchen? Morning gentle awakening, flows smoothly in sex?Or here, one more unbearable for understanding male habit - a habit women refuse, and then give up and finally drowning in its embrace. If an outcome, if not easier to accept immediately?Another habit, not something that useful - to turn off all sound interference. And this is silly, because music - it is necessary background, creating a atmosphere. For example, if you want something gentle and slowly leave in the dynamics of relaxing music, do each other massages, enjoy.Main in the bedroom - and did not know the extent of partner distract from the process of inappropriate remarks, like "Nothing, if my mother today to come to us for dinner?" Or "Have you come soon?"We are all in the soul actress. Especially often - in bed. And we resort to the game as if for obvious reasons: sex want to make a complete (partner) and unforgettable (probably the same for him), want it felt unique lover. But this knight, which feelings and a sense of the beloved are not indifferent, like sex when she and her pleasant. click here