So the first thing that should make every woman, embarked on flirting, it is - to love themselves, as though this may sound trivial postulate. Just learn to appreciate, respect and take their own "I am", you can bring to a potential lover true value you as women. Believe me, from your internal condition depends very much. Being self-confidence and their own irresistible, you're sure to reach the intended goal.No need to fear the men and getting acquainted with them. They - not wild animals, and full inhabitants of society. Not so afraid of Christ, as his paint. Eventually, the men are afraid of women no less. The law of survival.Regardless of the current situation is ALWAYS stay. No need to remove himself from the aggressive sexuality, when you are by nature inherent sophistication and sensuality. Sensibly use gold faces its nature.Remember the young women's tricks, "magical moves", which should be present in the arsenal of every Hunting for the hearts, helping laid piles of men:-- Smile - the most powerful weapon women. Therefore, do not forget to smile, just do it naturally and must be unconstrained. Otherwise, you will only scare potential candidate for the lovers, and even husbands. -- The women's wrist with his smooth tender skin madly attractive to men, especially when the rest hidden for many clothes. Recipe. How would accidentally play with a bracelet or just touch the inside of the hands, demonstrating a sensual place… -- bare Women's neck - to regale with a piece. Spend a hand on it, just touch the hair, correct fell lock. Plus checklist "shot" eyes and… men at your feet!-- Speaking of legs. Do not forget that this part of the female body is not exactly representative of every breathing male "clan". Because their minds is designed to present "Earth reliance", displaying them in the right light and perspective. And, displaying smoothly, without sudden movements: a major risk frighten off birds. A small trick: under scrutiny object objects, as if by accident or simply remove shoes play it, then removing, then wear. At the subconscious level this reception operates flawlessly, subtly hinting at your interest… erotic nature. -- Talking to a man you fancy, check the tone of his voice. Low, velvety voice acting on Princes , deenergises and, as stated in soul. In addition, you will be forced to listen, no matter how say, and, therefore, indispensable cookie attention… Excellent start for rapprochement.The fifth rule: must be a woman in some mystery. Because never not disclose all the cards immediately. Men - they f gambling players, conquerors, and let them win now. Well, or at least a teshat this captivating idea…