US-European space probe SOHO has established a unique record of the search for previously unknown comets. During this time the spacecraft was able to detect previously unknown comet 1500. Last comet first appeared in photographs made by June 25, one of the devices probe, wide-spectrometric coronograf.These pictures are sent to Earth and immediately spread on the Internet, making them analyze how professionals and amateurs of astronomy. That is how lovers, Americans Bob Matsonu, was lucky enough to notice comet with a record number. And it was not his first success earlier in the same manner, he has discovered 75 comets.Curiously, SOHO was designed and built not for search of comet. His full name Solar and Heliospheric Observatory - An observatory to observe the Sun and the heliosphere. It was launched from Cape Canaveral on December 2, 1995 and since then has been successful in the solar orbit, moving a half million kilometers from Earth.automatic station has 12 instruments on board, which gather information about the solar wind, the status of the solar atmosphere and underlying layers of the Sun and the solar corone activity. But so happened that while SOHO has become and Involuntary, but Assistant hunters for comets, which viewed his shots precisely for this purpose. And this search will continue until SOHO still works. click here