Ehnaton mysterious, legendary father of Tutankhamen, appearance resembled a mutant or alien creature. At the remains of bones, scientists would be approximately portrait of the pharaoh who has committed a religious revolution in Egypt.Today, anyone could easily took him for the alien. Here are approximate portrait of the Tenth XVIII dynasty ruler of Egypt: ovoid head, long hooked fingers, huge feet, as well as the buttocks and chest, very strongly reminiscent of women.Scientists are most affected Ehnaton skull shape. While all the other signs have also become an occasion for many discussions. Physicians said that the Pharaoh - the result of multiple genetic variations. But against this version supports the fact that the Egyptian ruler differed heightened sexual force. He had a huge number of concubines, wives and children. He suffers from genetic diseases are usually deprived of the pleasure. In addition, all children receive Ehnaton inherited from the father's skull ovoid.UFOlogs, in turn, convinced that Ehnaton artificially "correct" newcomers with Sirius. Pharaoh himself often added to his name epithet "Survivors to live long" and hinted about the mysterious event that happened with him in the distant childhood. Allow all disputes DNA analysis, which requires permission from the authorities of modern Egypt. And those, as you know, not too fond of secrecy to reveal its own past. click here