If, after long persuasion, your girlfriend all the same sex has agreed to try three times, then proceeding to elect a third partner. You must choose together to avoid further resentment and suspicion.Never proposed as candidates for third place your best friend girls, especially if girlfriend is very attractive. With three sex (man, woman, man) have to warn her that the exchange between the two Dutch men also be included, so that no girl fainted or fell into the sunset of not just laughter, because it sees the first time. But this hand (man, woman, man) occurs much less frequently, although there are girls who do not engage against sex with two guys.If your girlfriend does not want to try three sex and the more you share with another girl, that in no case does not need to be hysterical and bangs bang the door. Sex is such a thing, which has neither a framework nor borders, but each has its own barriers and do not need to make your loved one they cross. Escape from this situation, the winner can be only one way - to find a compromise between you and your lady heart. Here are some facts by reading them, you may not even want to try sex three:1. In refusing sex three 12% of men try it on the side. 2. Girls who have already tried three sex remained dissatisfied, their number is 40% 3. Most girls (about 67%) likes when men gentle, attentive and gentle. A 3% would like to see more sex trips to rape.As a result, we have that: • To start you need to discuss all the details with her partner before to have sex. • Never offer his girlfriend three girls engage in sex • It is important to be careful girlfriend, try to understand what she likes. • There is no need afraid to share their fantasies with her partner • Sex should be built on respect for a partner and the desire to make him a pleasure. And most importantly, do not be afraid to experiment! click here