Whatever talked about love at first sight themselves lovers, scholars argue that this phenomenon - no more than a consequence of physical attraction. Through such conventional methods of seduction, as a direct look into the eyes and smile, pulls us to those who have to flatter our selfishness to its attention. Everyone knows stories about how the two accidentally encountered views, exchanged smiles and feel mutual attraction. Scientists say society that knows the true mechanisms of this phenomenon, as love at first sight, and, judging by this research, from the love in such little feelings. The main thing that motivates a person falls into a "love" - it is selfishness and sexual attraction, and researchers argue that people are attracted by those who show sympathy to themselves. According to Ben Jones of the Laboratory studies person in Aberdeen University, in this case is something similar to narcissism. And furthermore, so evident to all known effects, to varying extent aware of different people, that is your attraction in terms of other people grows, if you wait them smiling and looking in his eyes.This work, which focuses on social signals were set to demonstrate the degree of attraction one person to another, questioned earlier conducted a study on the attractiveness of those who took the basis of only physical traits. Thus, they pointed out that many people prefer symmetrical and studied how attractive people seem to be pronounced features of femininity or masculinity in the face. Jones and his supporters do not consider the position of physical data important: in their view, the main "Law attractiveness" can be summarized as "I am interested in you, and if a person looks directly at you and smiles - it is the application of that principle in practice.To confirm his hypothesis, researchers led by Johns conducted such an experiment: they broke into four folders on your computer images of women satisfied and disgruntled individuals and men satisfied with the individuals, each person was photographed looking to the camera and looking to the side. Then the volunteers were asked to assess the attractiveness of images of every human being. It turned out that the man who looks directly at us, we seem attractive only when the expression on his face can be said that we liked him. "In fact, we found that those people who look at you directly, seem more attractive than the same person, but look at the party - said Jones. - In other words, people like when they watch."From the perspective of human evolution such results seem logical, since to bring to a sexual partner, you need to exert utmost effort, so you need to apply such funds, which could increase the attractiveness of an individual for its potential partners. Remember, smile, coupled with a direct gaze into the eyes makes you eight times more attractive!