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Only 9% of female representatives prefer devices that look "feminine", such as pink Playstation or keyboard company Hello Kitty. Therefore, experts believe that it is time to stop the "pink ghetto", which creates the company on the market. The remaining 91% are looking for technology devices in shops calm tones, refined design. The study took part englishwomens 750 ranging in age from 24 to 45 years. According to the results of this survey, 37% of women keep pace with the times and have at least 6 personal devices: the camera, laptop computers, multimedia mobile phone, MP3-player, television, game console. In general, British women can boast almost the same number of technical devices as men. "For me this was the discovery that women, including housewives, it turns out not only to successfully master the new technique for themselves, but also make it faster for men", - shared Genevieve Bell, a staff member of the company Intel. True, as a poll showed, 50% excellent representatives from the shop floor away with nothing, because it can not find what want.