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In autumn last year in Britain was brutally murdered 18 - Samantha Medzhin summer. The girl's mother, Alison Medzhin experienced so much tragedy that it is absolutely forgot about all the everyday problems, including the payment provider. Four months later after the death of his mother received from Samanty operator O2, who used the services of a daughter, account for the monthly fee of $ 780 dollars. Alison shocked "appalling insensitivity" cellular operator. Indeed, little that the owner of the phone died long ago, so still and number for which the required fee, all this time, no one enjoyed: the date of death of the girl he kept in the police as evidence. The woman refused to pay the account and gave notice of its intention to file a lawsuit against the company O2. Representatives of the operator promised to solve this problem soon.
In autumn last year in Britain was brutally murdered 18 - Samantha Medzhin summer. The girl's mother, Alison Medzhin experienced so much tragedy that it is absolutely forgot about all the everyday problems, including the payment provider. Four months later after the death of his mother received from Samanty operator O2, who used the services of a daughter, account for the monthly fee of $ 780 dollars. Alison shocked "appalling insensitivity" cellular operator. Indeed, little that the owner of the phone died long ago, so still and number for which the required fee, all this time, no one enjoyed: the date of death of the girl he kept in the police as evidence. The woman refused to pay the account and gave notice of its intention to file a lawsuit against the company O2. Representatives of the operator promised to solve this problem soon.