"Are you that want to take the man who you only for sex and turn it into a living person?" -- Surprising Samantha from "Sex and the City". According to this experienced woman, man with a star "for sex, actually deprived of human traits and perceived from a purely functional point of view… Sex outside a stable relationship of love, passionate night "without a commitment" , escape from everyday bustle, way decorate loneliness, and… flows smoothly to normal life. Sex for one night - a sign that we become more free or less happy? What are the reasons for pushing us to "come to nothing binding" relationship? Basically, the reasons for seeking a partner for one night lie in the internal harmony or disharmony rights. Man or woman must receive confirmation from the surrounding permanent its attractiveness, sexuality, uniqueness. Sexual Ian Kerner said: according to the study conducted at the University of New Jersey, most women resort to "sex for one night" in a state of depression, anxiety and concern. While men believe this way of life for themselves is "everyday", considering it as a way to sustain themselves in a good form of sexual and confirmation of its men's consistency. click here