Each individual woman, not only on the peculiarities of character, manners, tastes and habits - sexual identity any of us are also unique. One of the reasons that each of us different from other in sexual behaviour is belonging to one of the astrological elements - fire, earth, water or air. The predominance of one of these four elements individually horoscope defines sexual identity. If we imagine his sexual identity as the home of a large number of individual rooms, the dominant element can be compared with a gala door. Inside the house may occur events of any kind, but to warn them about the outside world, tenants will have to go through the apartment door, which in this particular house is the only one. All of our ways of expression, actions and habits in the sexual sphere are painted shades of the dominant element. Every woman can use astrologer or independently, by studying individual horoscope, to determine their sexual identity - an image that generates internal peace and harmony of the exterior. A thorough understanding of the nature of their sexual identity is key to understanding their own needs and sexual relations with men. Defining your style, you can change his entire life. Style - is a kind of image that you represent peace. His kind of "self" to others. Glamour style consists of the sum terms - appearance, behavior and manners features of communication. These ingredients in turn include many details, shades and nuances, unique combination of which determines and, ultimately, sexual image of each of us. Their sexuality is causing - not the kind of beauty that will save the world. But, provoking rivalries and tscheslavno watching the fights, they forced men to become stronger. Their image has changed with each generation - transparent tunics followed by a deep neck and short skirts. But the main criterion remained unchanged - to limit the desires of men of his time. Characteristic features women-dominated nature of Fire: the will, desire, strength, undeterred, the lack of sense of proportion, the desire to be a leader. Activities fire signs are always in need of spectators - the brightness should be evaluated. These hot ladies should be treated the response of passion and admiration. The strange power leads to them men, although an attempt to understand their secrets doomed to failure. There is a view that affectionate and too dependent on a partner, that is why many of them, ultimately, not satisfied by their intimate relationships. But they are only capable of the deepest feelings and dedication in partnership! The overall impression of sexual style consists of natural harmony and appropriateness of its manifestations. Representatives weaker sex critical than men refer to themselves, their appearance and behaviour in bed. As a result, women very often hide their natural cosmetics, fashion, style alien behavior. Thus uncertainty in concealing himself and others trying to appear. click here