Women and men really think in different ways, said the study, found certain genetic differences in brain structure of representatives of different sexes. Scientists have found hundreds of genes that are switched on and off differently in the brain of men and women. This leads to assume that many behaviors that are considered characteristic of a particular sex, are equally determined and nature and upbringing. According to experts, men and women differ by dozens of characteristics and skills. These include the ability to empathize others, the propensity to aggression, the ability to take risks and to orient themselves in space as well as for certain qualities in sexual partners. Today, the existence of such differences is widely recognized, but scientists and representatives of social sciences has long differed on the extent to which these differences are determined by biology. Maybe people just learn them, just learn because of the different social roles of men and women? Women are better men know how to capture emotions of strangers. In standard tests, auditors personal characteristics, they show great compassionate to others. Men are more likely to risk and aggression, as well as better understanding of existing systems and create new - ranging from automobile engines to the football rules. In general intelligence level representatives of both sexes do not differ, but generally stronger among women developed visual memory, and men better handle visualization facilities, "deploying" them into space. Maybe so, men often prefer to rely on maps, and many women - remember specific benchmarks. Such observations have led by Professor Simon Baron-Cohen of Cambridge University to nominate a version that there are different types of brain - targeted at other people's emotions and perceptions of targeted systemic thinking. One type more common among men, and another - among women. "This is an extremely original study - explains the professor. - I've looked at how genes act differently in males and females of different species of primates. This work confirms the suggestion that genetic gender differences evident not only in secondary sexual characteristics, but also in the structure of the brain. " "The discovery of genes that have proven from different species, shows evolutionary origins of these genetic differences between the sexes, and their discovery in the brain indicates that they may have some impact on the work of consciousness and partly to affect our behavior." Men and women also differ in their approach to finding sexual partners. Men are usually valued more youthful and attractive appearance, while women more often attracts status. A new study conducted by Elena Dzhazin from the Swedish University of Uppsala, not directly proves that these traits are related to differences in gene activity, but shows differences in the genetic structure of male and female brain, which could cause differences between men from women. Genes from both sexes is basically the same, but many of them more active in the brain representatives of a certain sex. These peculiar to one of the sexes schemes genes work to influence many aspects of behavior, the researchers suggest. "These results allow us to assume that differences in gene activity in the brain could be a major cause of differences in behavior between different modes, and within one species." These differences can simultaneously explain the differences in the field of mental health and development of nerve disease in men and women: for example, women are more likely to suffer depression and Alzheimer's disease. "Knowing about sex differences is important for many reasons - explains Dr. Dzhazin. - For example, in the future this information could be used in calculating doses of drugs, as well as in treating brain diseases or injuries." According to scientists, it is necessary to continue its work and verify whether the behaviour of people or differences in their health, with differences in sexual activity of genes.