Panel of American astronomers has been able to establish that the absorption of matter same for black holes of different sizes. This fact might be useful for predicting the properties of mysterious black holes average. In the space surrounded by black hole accretion disk - mothers, who retained power of attraction hole. The "nutrition" holes is that part of matter by the action of this force falls to the surface hole. As the main object of observation, scientists have chosen black hole at the center of the galaxy M81 at a distance of about 12 million light-years from Earth. The mass of this black hole is 70 million solar masses. It belongs to a class black holes. Her "diet" of gas, filling the galaxy center.The first phase of the study is to collect data on the process of absorption of matter that a black hole. The point is that before "be eaten", the space gas under the forces of gravity hole clocked up to speed. At that stands out electromagnetic radiation. To monitor the various ranges of this radiation, scientists have used six different telescopes, including X-ray Observatory orbiting Chandra. The result has been received very precise allocation of time and energy on frequencies. The resulting distribution compared with the known distribution of energy radiation for stellar mass black holes. This facility, the average mass of about ten solar. Such holes are usually revolve around a star-feed her companion and gas. Distributions holes and the stellar mass coincided holes, from which it was concluded that the feeding scheme does not depend on the size of a black hole.Next, the authors have constructed a mathematical model of black hole environments, which agrees well with the data received. Scientists hope that using this model will be able to obtain distribution of radiation accretion disk for a mysterious class of medium-sized black holes. This is a black hole, mass lies within the lapse of several hundreds to several thousands of solar masses. They are the link between excess mass and stellar mass black holes. There are currently no such facility astronomers do not observe. Knowing the characteristics of radiation can help in their search.