No family, which during his life, never to quarrel. All discord and trouble - is to check the strength of relations. But it turns out all these troubles cyclical, and it may be, if not avoided, at least mitigate crises. Psychologists have found that each couple is being held, on average, three crisis. There may be more, it all depends on the temperament of spouses.
The first crisis, the crisis first 3-5 years of marriage. It depends on it, whether you're together or not. Advances the period ended occur gray weekdays. The husband and wife used to each other, they often have to deal with economy, stood at the plate, clean, wash, etc. The desire to do good turns beloved be a drag on. Most divorces, about 80%, accounts on this crisis. The partner or partner are actually not such as the first time acquaintances. People tend to idealize family life, especially women, but when a person is faced with the reality, there is a contradiction between dream and reality.
Sign with a partner rule: to discuss all disputes and differences. Then your or his discontent will not accumulate and result in rapid clarification of the relationship. If it does, you possorilis, try to understand her lover, to stand on its site, think, or maybe you are wrong? Do not try to change her husband - you are unlikely to succeed. Always looking for compromise, no loops on the negative points. Since Most quarrels in this period occurs because of domestic affairs, often going out from their homes in halves of the theater, guests, distractions.
The second crisis occurs through 7-9 years of living together. It is linked to the phenomenon of addictive. Usually by this time many couples factory children have financial independence. All habits, and behavior of a partner well understood. You can tell your husband as the lead themselves in any situation, with half the words you understand each other. All seem to be good, but it seems that love thing, no passion interest in the first years of marriage.
Do not hurry with conclusions. Understand, your love just moved to a new phase, has gained new sensations. Psychologists advise during this period of rest more often from each other, go to the fitness club, meet friends, and let the husband goes to football. You can take up new hobbies, change the image, that is make in my life that something new. You will see that you have new topics for discussion with her husband.
After 16-20 years of marriage may be the third crisis. It is exacerbated by middle-aged crisis. At that time the children grow, the plant for their families. Career either already taken place, and happy people, enjoying welcome success or not achieved what wanted. Many men are afraid at this age look untenable, so very often the fastest factory novels with young girls. They want to prove ourselves and others that much more can achieve and gain.
If you have something this happens, do not rush to divorce. After all, this is an extreme measure. Remain such as wise, cheerful and upbeat! These novels take place very quickly, and you are bound by long years, understanding of each other, knowing all the habits and preferences. In most cases husbands returned again, frightened of new life and misunderstanding.