Find in a world in which the game is on "Men's Rules", the woman realized that such a candid look at love relationships frightens men. They are "nothing" does not need. They want passionate, no matter what is not compelling novel or short-term intrigue on the side. In other words, they needed an easy dessert - without any promises there, other people's problems and obligations. They give us these desserts called "free love" for years, once (twice or thrice) briefly interrupting to start a family…
You, as a woman is allowed to have only one desire - to want this day beloved man. The rest of your desire to have no value. It does not matter what you want to go with him to drink a cup of coffee or go on nature on weekends. Always important to just what he wants.In doing so, the men also do not like, if you are about to exercise your vicinity (which date it has not yet appointed) too turbulent emotions and allow ourselves the audacity to score his immodesty icq or SMS messages about how you would like him to undress. "That bitch! -- He thinks. -- I'm serious person, I am at work. I am now not until then ".
From talking about feelings, more complex formations than emotion, the man usually starts to worry. As if he had a head ill or sick heart. He does not need your love, because it is a serious sense, static and fairly long. He "no matter what is" not configured and does not want to customize it to you. Because, sweet, in this case from you only have extra problems… Your love - so bold as oil cream, which does not fit into the concept of gentle light souffle. Moreover, women's and women's tears "pain". Even the idea that a woman hurt, violated internal comfort men. He does not like this. Should not be painful - accept, dear, pain. Where to? Get somewhere…
Men can not tolerate, when women loading them their problems. After all, they have already many problems. They have their families (parents, sisters, friends and (or) a wife with children), important work "of the Screw", machine, which forever "not healthy", business, which is constantly "on the verge of"… Then you sweet… , Is an independent adult working women, which itself should solve their problems. Of particular patient man can listen to your tirade and said tearfully: "Well, anything invented" or "One must consider what to do". Actually, all this and confine. All their problems, you will deal exclusively itself.
Thus, a man gets quite convenient for themselves "version of" women. She did not "heavy" it by its difficulties, not asking to take girlfriend, not forced to go shopping together, does not require that he was withdrawing for her apartment, is not asking for money. She learns to enjoy "small" - just what this man a few times a month (at a convenient time for him) will give it a couple of hours of love and caress, kiss and reach orgasm.
Women - intelligence establishment. Especially adult women. They have long realized that to do so as not to lose a beloved man. They agreed to play on "Men's Rules" - to receive pleasure from each other in a "pure" form. No promises, statements aloud desires, unnecessary calls and letters from unnecessary emotions. They have learned apart from their own problems, focusing its attention during the short hours together, who can devote his man, entirely on it, his body and generally enjoying An… no! Too bad… Also do not like! That we too have not…
am not telling him about his girlfriend and their problems (first, secret, and secondly - is it so interesting?). I am not happy at home fashion show, demonstrating their new shoes, skirt and jacket (which do not have the time, yes men and little interested in women's fashion). I do not talk about politics has become, because it is too sad and so few of us depends. If I forgot that I have no apartment and I absolutely nowhere to live, that he did not give a god, is not thought that I expect from him some assistance…
… He told me that I am doing it from sexual toy… What do I with him than not to talk about except about sex (in this case he has forgotten that we have not already seen a month - and friends-the "beer" are seen more often ) And then sharply remarked that now he had no opportunity to see me. And if I am not satisfied, then I need to find someone of another…