In each life, and perhaps not every man, meets sex for money. It may be obvious, that is: telephoned, agreed price, came, did their job, left. It may be hidden, something like, with your restaurant, diamond pendants, and then - I am all yours. No matter what method is specified payment, it is important that it is selling sex… The attitude to it is different for men who do not like something, but someone still, someone regularly uses the services of such girls and women, not seeing nothing wrong in this… This article is about the attitude of men towards this type of sex…
Poll on the streets#
-- The plan that I think about them? Nothing do not think women, as women… -- You often using their services? -- Not often, but sometimes -- Why do you pay for sex? Women - choose any! -- The same question can I ask you! Well, if honest, do not like flirtations, and second - sex for money has its advantages. You get sex, not whims, riddles and more.
-- In terms of sex? Looking to how. There is a very cool and girls are taking cheap. In general, immigrants. And there is just pitiful, nothing could, at least, can not what I want! And why do you ask? -- Yes so… Listen, and you conscience does not torture, that you alter his wife with prostitutes? (* laugh *) -- And what is conscience? (* laughs *). Of course not! And why should it tortures me? The wives of many can not and do not know how! For example, who are my "dirty imagination" will be pursued? (* laughs *) -- Well, you could find and not for money and with the full realization! -- And why did you not find no money? (* laughs *) -- We are talking about you! -- And what about me say, yes, crying for sex, money is not principled, principled result. For all have to pay, not pay, that will receive. Do not pay for sex - you'll "sex", in general, to turn a complete gut! And so, all beautifully, without tensions and tears about aimlessly spent time!
I do not like to pay for what you get for free (* laughs *) -- You believe in the word "free"? -- Of course, you know how many women who can commend you, for example, for not the most expensive bouquet of flowers? A lot, so what overpay! -- Paying for sex - this is your only money question? -- When you can take everything for free, why pay, explain? -- Do you like to make gifts to women? -- In terms? -- Well, in direct. -- Type, buy something? -- Well, yes -- (* Laughs *)…
That such dialogues. Conclusion of them do not need, because men are all different, and attitudes towards women selling their stuff, too. On a can say that calmly refer to prostitutes and I do not think a disgrace to pay for sex. True, I would never married to a woman, in my opinion, marriage should not be based on love for money… click here