The fact that a man during sex spends far more power than a woman, had been known before. But British scientists found that 80% of men after sex totally whacked…
At that time, as women demand from their partners after sex pleasant words and gentle palmsing, men are so exhausted that want only one thing - sleep. Ladies accuse knights in the cold, and "has made her - and sleep?!", But men simply can not physically turn and not fall asleep.
Specialists from the University of Surrey county in southern England argue that such a condition is only natural for men. But for women… Only 46% of representatives wonderful sex feel strongly tired after sex. Hence - and a desire to "yet", and the requirement to continue… The study researchers interviewed 10 thousand Britishers.
True, at the pleasure of women, there remain 20% of those men who can to stay awake for some time after orgasm. Scientists have found that the most durable Britons live in Liverpool and Glasgow. After the sex they have not failed to sleep 20 minutes more… click here