Scientists in a study conducted by the British Brunel University, developed a mathematical model that combines the characteristics of attractive men and symmetry of the body. This is the first study, based on images of human bodies, male and female, derived from a special three-dimensional scanning technology. Past work enabled scientists to establish the relationship between evaluation parameters and physical attractiveness, the most important of which was symmetry. This characteristic is perceived positively by many other species, as is associated with good health and, consequently, with favorable reproductive capacity.
The new model, "understood" attractive appearance, takes into account 24 parameters, in particular, the length of the torso, long arms and legs, as well as the length of neck, shoulder and of the forearm. The model was created in the experiment, whose goal was to determine the relationship between the perception attractive body and its characteristics, such as growth, the volume of the breast or chest, leg length, width of shoulders, rounded (for women).
Thanks to new three-dimensional scanning technology, scientists have received 77 phone images, both male and female, and put the images into a computer with neutral colors, moreover, the images were without heads. With the help of hundreds of measurements, which are crawling with three for 6 seconds, the scientists were able to withdraw Index belonging to a male. "
Then the researchers asked 87 people - men and women - look at the pictures in the computer and choose the most attractive of them. Pictures, which most often male preference, were the most distant, in their anthropometric data, the index of masculinity. Women with less symmetrical data were even further from the index. Based on the assessments of scientists established the link between the attractive appearance and symmetry.
According to the study coordinator William Brown, "received an explanation relationship between body shape and attractiveness: the proportions of the body, the shape and growth are important indicators of good level of development and good health and, consequently, that the individual may or may not be a welcome partner to Reproduction ". "If physical asymmetry is so small that it is impossible to see the naked eye, the evolution of bright allocated specific points, such as broad shoulders and narrow hips, to emphasize masculinity," - said the scientist.