As it turned out, love - akin to drugs. It arises addictive, physical and psychological dependence syndrome and even repeal. That is the conclusion of scientists came from the English National Center Narcology.
Scientists have conducted numerous studies, as well as lovers interviewed during their next gust of love, and found that during the attack of love in the brain occur the same physiological changes, and that when taking the drug type of cocaine or heroin.
First of all love and receiving drug similar in type passing biochemical reactions in the body. -- So, accompanied by a surge of hot feelings release dopamine, which alters not only the activity of certain brain areas, but also leads to the development of other physiological reactions and feelings. With the completion of the contents of dopamine in the nervous tissue falls below normal levels - as a result of a person appearing symptoms of depression, that is developing "syndrome lifting. -- All in the admission as a drug.
However, researchers note, "fiziological" love means that it can not last forever, because neurophysiological changes that accompany human emotions and feelings, do not go after about 5-7 years. Incidentally, this is no contrary to what happens to people in life…