The time had come Inter girls-prostitutes, many sex shops, erotic films, advertising and sensual introduction of discipline in school sex education courses. in disputes on all these issues a great many. Late role in this process plays deteriorating reproductive health of the nation, which, in turn, is influenced too early start of sexual activity.first sexual experience for most happening about 15 years (at a rather large part of adolescents and even earlier) and to 17 years more than half of adolescents are active and regular sexual life. By this time, and boys and girls have already been able to change a few (4-7) sexual partners. Motive for entry into "adult" relationship can be and blind adherence to "fashionable" youth epidemic, and love and passion, and rivalry, and even revenge. What are the same effects can be so fraught with early start of sexual activity.First, for many first sexual experience turns disappointment. Psychologists working on the phone confidence, it must respond to calls every day about the proximity of the first experiences that occurred just days or a few hours ago. And this is far from happy experiences - and for boys and girls. The point is that a teenager in 14 years, neither in terms of psycho-emotional or physiologically not ready by early sexual activity. Sexual instinct given the nature of man, and knowledge about him have very little teenager, culture management, unfortunately, is absent. Of the psychological states, according to the results of representative polls, after the first sexual proximity teenagers often feel disappointment, depression, fear, shock, some even attempted suicide, and only a few pointed to physical pleasure. A first (especially negative) experience a marked impact on the entire further life, and at this age can provide excessive psychological impact and lead to a distortion of sexual identity installations, which will hamper sexual relations in the future. Often, the roots of male impotence and female frigid come precisely to the first unsuccessful sexual intercourse.Secondly, drawing their knowledge in the sexual sphere of friends-girlfriends, from the same television broadcasts and notorious school on sex education, knowing full well where children are taken, and having regular sex life, 60% of respondents believed early sexual activity "harmless ", And abortion" safe ". Most do not have heard about modern methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies, a barrier contraceptive use, only 10% of young people. Inadequate knowledge and sexually transmitted diseases and their prevention. Unfortunately, the youth party - discos, "party" and other "party" - often involve alcohol, tobacco and other stimulants have become indispensable attributes of such events. Smoking, alcohol and drug violations not only cause physical and sexual development, but also lead to mental illness. Yet in tobacco smoke are known, are poisons such as formaldehyde, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, cobalt, lead, nickel and is radioactive. These substances enter the body of future mothers, especially in the ovaries, and long remained. Apart from the obvious physiological harm, stimulants help overcome various psychological barriers and remove even the most strict taboo. Under their (stimulants) exposure is much easier to engage in casual sexual relationship, ignoring even the most basic means of protection.Teenager must be aware of the consequences of early sexual activity, when the sexual organs is not enough to fully operate, easily traumatic, and may become infected with diseases such as kolpit, prostatitis, the erosion of the cervix. In addition, frequent changes of partners, resulting in contamination of sexually transmitted diseases. In the end, having heavy defeat sexual sphere. Insufficient knowledge of contraceptive methods result in unwanted pregnancies, followed by abortion. Abortion (especially at such a tender age) never passes without trace. Those women who come from the frigid treatment typically experienced the first and subsequent abortions. Often a woman appear fear of pregnancy and the phenomenon of vaginizm (vaginal muscle spasm, inhibit sexual intercourse). It's quite a serious disease, which is very difficult to treat (sometimes months!). Naturally, that further raises afreolaethau life in the family, the problems of high treason and divorce. In addition, for the child, particularly girls, early sexual activity - is not exorbitant only physical but also mental pressure on fragile body. U unhealthy women do not get desired healthy child.Inflammatory disease of female sexual sphere (kolpity, inflammatory diseases of the uterus, appendages) took first place among all requests to the doctor-gynecologists. Of the applicants to the doctor more than 30% of patients in need of inpatient treatment. The sad statistics, is not it? Infection all kinds of microorganisms that can cause these diseases, most often occurs through sexual contact or only them but also because of the abortion (just a) and various operations in the female genital organs. click here