Erection problems may arise for many reasons, and very often developed these violations constitute only a symptom of another disease. In general, usually causes that influence the development of erection disorders can be divided into five groups:
- Psychological disorders: Depression , Drug addiction, Alcoholism, Specific psychopathological disorders - "fear of sexual impotence", the impoverishment of sexual techniques, etc.
- Endocrine disorders: Gipogonadizm (underdevelopment of sexual glands), Diabetes mellitus Obesity Prolaktinoma? (Brain tumor), Sarkoidoz (a special form of inflammation, which is involved in the lungs, eyes, skin and internal organs), involving gipotalamiya area (the brain region that regulates the internal organs)
Vascular system disorders: Atherosclerotic arterial system of sexual defeat against the backdrop of a member of diabetes, smoking, high blood cholesterol, hypertension Artery occlusion of the pelvis (typically arise after the pelvis bone fracture), Venous system disorder - the highest outflow of blood from sexual member, The combination of different types of vascular lesions sexual member.
- Neurological disorders: Violations of cerebral circulation (strokes) Diseases of the spinal cord MS Parkinson's disease
However, it is necessary to bear in mind that perhaps the combination of these reasons, to varying degrees, determine when a leading cause of erectile dysfunction is difficult. Most often this happens with an overall ageing of the organism. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking and diseases account for about 80% of all causes erection. Diabetes mellitus adversely affect the condition of nerves penis, disrupting their normal functioning, and leads to disruption of smooth muscles, which is erectile tissue. Hypertension (high blood pressure) and therapy aimed at lowering blood pressure may also damage blood circulation in sexual member. Smoking - this is the main reason for the so-called? When there disorders at the level of capillary blood circulation sexual member. For this reason, smoking, to be exact - "smoking" many specialists is assigned to a separate group of causes of erectile dysfunction, also develops and with diabetes mellitus. So - in 60% of cases the cause of impotence is that the blood did not reach the penis or creates its fast catching ago. In 15% of cases the cause should be found in hidden damage to the nervous system. 5% of the cases developed against the backdrop of various endocrine (hormone) diseases. And only 20% due to psychological reasons. click here