Drugs - such terrible for all parents care about their progeny. Because of what can happen and why the meeting with drugs and fatal end? Here are the possible reasons that make it possible to leap from adolescence crisis in the status of "drug". If a child is ill with stress case and the defence of their psyche (bad working mechanisms of displacement, increased emotionality), it could cause resorting to drugs. And this will contribute to his desire, despite the fact that he has not produced much, is still without a large labour and quickly. Who out there to get excited own inability to achieve the goal of lust and thus stimulate. And someone - go the way shotly. this could total rejection or acceptance is not too bright young person in the company, which view it is important to him. Let even be adequately evaluated in good quality and talent child, steps can become overly developed emotional, psychological fragility of the surrounding events. Sometimes be "fully" assessed too bad, because it would create envy, well, and more - is known. Late attitude teenager assess how common injustice. If a child with a different suggestibility - a case quite heavy, and we need to the property before his parents, turning the flow to the correct side. Adolescence likes risk, verification, feelings, previously unfamiliar. And then you need to provide that drugs are even get into the level that belongs to a teenager "an interesting risk". . And last of factors can be considered cargo liability, which a teenager is afraid to take on just not ready yet, but if not, and has calculated forces, it can not escape from it. click here