The report asserts that 40 years ago during the implementation of the programme on the moon landing of American astronauts found and photographed on the lunar surface some "ancient ruins of artificial origin" and discovered a previously unknown technology management gravity, but these data were completely secret U.S. government and chaired by Johnston Photo Service received an order to destroy all photographs of objects found on the Moon. Johnston argues that, violating the order, secretly retained several images, which will be released on Tuesday in Washington. The report alleges that on 23 October Johnston was dropped from the programm participants Public Laboratory for the Study of the NASA Jet Propulsion popularization of space research and that this exclusion is the fact that Johnston spoke of secretly saved them moon images authors new book "Dark mission - the secret history NASA. " The book was published in light of the U.S. last week and has already hit the list of "bestseller" The New York Times, where she now stands at 25 - place. Along with Johnston at the press conference will address one of the sponsors of this book, a former NASA consultant and prominent popularizer of all kinds in the U.S. "space secrets" Richard Hogland. Hoglund and Johnston also intend to submit documents proving that, in their view, contrary to accepted notions about civil nature of the main U.S. NASA space agency is actually a disguised "the U.S. defence department", the right outside the control of the Congress encrypts important scientific information and technical nature. According to Hoagland, U.S. astronauts could secretly delivered to the lunar samples to Earth "very advanced technologies" and precisely because of these technologies leading country in the world after almost 30 - years of falling interest to the Moon again now may be involved in the new moon race. "Thanks to amazing technological discoveries, which according to our data NASA has made on the Moon during the programme" Apollo ", delivered to Earth and then kept secret for a whole generation, this new race will be the outcome, which, unlike the first (space) race between the U.S. and the USSR for political prestige 50 years ago, will determine the destiny of every human being on earth, "- statement said Hoagland, who in years of the" Apollo "was also a scientific consultant Television Si-Bi-Es. Hoglund and Johnston do not exclude that the U.S. is deliberately force launches of American shuttle "to prematurely turn this program by 2010 and switch to the new spacecraft" Constellation ", which will allow NASA landed on the moon, given that Russia also announced plans send astronauts to the Moon in 2025 and build a moon base. "Where such international attention to the moon program 21 centuries after for more than 30 years, the moon completely ignored? Maybe program" Apollo "found on the Moon" something "very important, as NASA has forgotten to tell us?" - Described in message on the press conference. Hoglund is a sponsor of 550 - page book "Dark mission - NASA's secret history", alleging that the moon findings along with the American space agency conceals a number of other secrets, including, for example, the discovery in 1976 pilotness apparatus "Viking" microbes on the surface of Mars . At the same time, another co-author of a book - a consultant on aerospace engineering technologies Michael Bara in a separate communication to the press acknowledges that well-known in the U.S. and abroad, an expert on space and science columnist Television NBC James Oberg had sharply criticized the approval of Johnston saved them from destruction lunar photographs. In its outrage message to the Laboratory for the Study of the Jet Propulsion Oberg called the statements by Johnston on NASA's crazy accusations ". Bara claims that at a press conference at the National Press Club Johnston will submit documents to prove his statements. None of the officials of the U.S. allegations about Johnston retained his moon photographs until nothing. click here