For decades it was known that penetrating radiation is dangerous - in high doses, it leads to instant death, and prolonged exposure provokes the development of cancerous tumors. The American researcher Don Lucky contends that small doses of controlled exposure may be useful to health and should be recommended for use in medicine. "Discard prejudices ... If it becomes apparent that high dose of ionizing radiation may contribute to health", - says the scientist. According to his data, low-dose radiation reduces the frequency of infectious diseases, reduces the incidence of cancer among young people and significantly increases the average life expectancy. Radiation also increases the activity of the immune system - a growing number and activity of white blood cells - leukocytes, as well as the activity of several enzymes, the production of antibodies, which reduces the number of infectious diseases and promotes healing of wounds. Lucky notes that people in the process of evolution adapted to a certain level of radiation, as well as to other features of the environment, and its shortage could adversely affect the health, as well as shortages of certain substances such as vitamins and trace elements. In the first half of the twentieth century, when the phenomenon of radioactivity was just open, doctors experimented with various types of radioactive materials. Then exposure, although it was obvious danger, seen as a panacea for a large number of diseases - from arthritis to tuberculosis. Opening of antibiotics and rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the fact that high doses lethal, led to the abandonment of the practice. Today, ionizing radiation is used to treat certain forms of cancer, but the use of radiation sources for the treatment of other diseases does not recognize the official medicine. Lucky hopes to change that view and said that more than 3 thousands of articles in scientific journals have shown that small doses of radiation beneficial to human health. Scientific expects that the use of small doses of radiation would be re-introduced into medical practice. He proposes to use for medical purposes, small samples of specially trained radioactive waste from nuclear reactors. Under ionizing radiation or radioactive understand radiation when radioactive decay of elements. It includes the alpha radiation - the flow of alpha particles, that is, helium nuclei, and beta radiation - the flow of electrons. Alpha radiation is dangerous to humans only if its source enters the body, alpha particles do not penetrate the skin but can cause damage to mucous membranes. The third component - gamma-rays, is an electromagnetic radiation, like X-ray, but with a higher frequency. It's most penetrating ability and most dangerous. click here
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