Overstrain, stress, fear - how to deal with these enemies of normal sexual life, you already know. But sometimes the cause of failure in bed can become the most innocent at first glance things - for example, grey sky or get too skirt. Remember how we display heroine porn? In this hard to believe, but that skirt-pants-size jeans at less provisions could "gifted" you as you are unpleasant and difficult disease, as anorgazm (chronic inability to experience orgasm), in medicine has long proven fact. "It's in the so-called venous valves, which are located in the legs and pelvis organs," . Schematically orgasm looks like this: excitement, the tide of blood to the genitals (utech back it does not allow those same vein valves), increasing internal pressure and détente. From orgasm valves sharply disclosed, and the blood goes back to receptacles. If you're nose in obtyag clothing, venous blood is broken and damaged valves. As a result, the outflow of blood still in the process of starting sexual intercourse, before orgasm. "The woman easily brought, but cool quickly, so until a full discharge her case, alas, never comes - noted gynecologist. - By the way, another enemy of the normal work of venous valves - 10inch pins. They violate the blood circulation more than narrow clothing. " click here