Proton and neutrons, which are composed of atomic nuclei, prefer to join together in pairs with each other rather than to imagine such people. As an experiment, in the nuclei of carbon every single proton about 18% of the time joined in with a pair of neutrons, and only 1% of the time - with the proton. Since an average of all the nucleons together in pairs in 20% of cases, hence it follows that conduct and neutrons together in pairs with neutrons only about 1% of the time. Results scientists are very important for the understanding of nuclear cooperation as well as simulation of buildings superdense matter - for example, in the bowels of neutron stars. Most team-nuclear physicists from the U.S., Israel, Britain, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Italy, Ukraine, Canada, the Netherlands, France, Slovenia and Armenia, studied the scattering of electrons at high nuclei of atoms of carbon in the plate quarter of a millimeter thick. Scientists managed to simultaneously detect pairs of particles, ndd flow of electrons from the nucleus, and determine their type. Nucleons - protons and neutrons, of which consist nucleus, can be combined in pairs, forming a so-called two-correlations. It is believed that these correlations - short, and their study is important to study features of a strong nuclear interaction, which was still difficult to study because theoretically intrinsic them divergences in the calculation. At first glance, that much more willing protons are combined with neutrons, are not surprising - as equally charged, protons have a strong electrostatic repulsion. Nevertheless, the scale inherent in the atomic nucleus, electrical forces of interaction between protons negligible in comparison with the nuclear forces of interaction between them. A electrostatic repulsion between neutrons, if not take into account their internal structure, and not to be. Meanwhile, and they are 20 times more often combined with protons than to imagine such people. click here