At all times the exterior of human evaluation parameters: shape, color and length hair, cut eye and lips were different forms. Italian designers predict that all that are now become archaic, similar to the case and the standard of beauty - it is very different. The first metamorphosis taking place now. "Etalon beauty recalls the pendulum clock, from minimalism to everything moves extremism". Regarding the future shape of a girl, the French experts believe that after 5 years the average growth of fashion will be 180 cm, on average, people will become higher. painters now emerging from fashion, soon to replace them come girls with big breasts beauty with soft round hips and a thin waist. "The figure of a-la-old boy, without the chest and pop, without a soft transition from the waist to the femur - last century, new century requires new heroines. The Times of military and unisex irretrievably have passed, cutting short - only for those who care for laziness long hair ". in times of women's emancipation weaker sex had to get up to the level of men, for convenience and saving time, the girls wore men's clothes, strigli hair, refused to bright make-up and jewelry, drank and smoked strong drinks. "More recently the streets were filled with the same creatures - girls and boys dressed alike, look alike, women now enjoyed its force: they drive cars not worse than men who smoke, are business suits and headed by the corporation. Women are tired - is the time to once again feel weak, feminine, vulnerable and dreamy ". Specialists believe that the will of the fashion and fine art boys figures. First, every year the population of the planet becomes a bit better. This is because with the development of technology, humanity is increasingly sedentary, sedentary life. So, in the opinion of an expert fashion months Bertrand standard female beauty of such a future: high (average growth of 170), with a thin waist and rounded hips, with long hair natural shades, full lips and expressive eyes. This is the standard of female beauty will reign in a few years and established for decades. click here
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» Etalon female beauty in the new century, constantly changing