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Satellite CoRoT found several vnesolnechnyh planets and a mysterious dark object of unknown nature. His weight 50 times lower than that of the Sun, and the density of 4 times larger than astronomers svintsa.Frantsuzskie, processing data from research satellite CoRoT, announced the discovery of three and possibly four sites seeking around normal stars. Two of them - the usual "hot Jupiter" CoRoT-Exo-4b and CoRoT-Exo-5b. Their mass accounted for 70% and 90% of the mass of the solar system's largest planet Jupiter, and around their stars, which are just over the Sun, these giants call for only 9 and 4 days, respectively; Yupiteru to obezhat Sun requires 12 years. However, interest is the fourth most reliably detected objects - CoRoT-Exo-3b. As a mass intermediate link between planets and stars, the object is too small to be a brown, or brown dwarfs that are considered basic types of objects with such masses. According to the European Space Agency, report the discovery of CoRoT-Exo-3b was presented at the ongoing conference at Harvard to find ekzoplanet transit method. In doing so, the average density of CoRoT-Exo-3b is about 45 grams per cubic centimeter, that exceeds twice the density of platinum, at 2.5 times - uranium and 4 times greater density of lead. The average density of Earth - a little more than 5 grams per cubic santimetr3, and the Sun - slightly more than 1 g/cm3. However, it should be understood that theory, in the calculations which diverge on this site has still not managed to accurately test the monitoring data: in most cases, scientists were not available at the same time, accurate data on mass and radius of objects. Only the future will show whether this theory is wrong or we really are dealing with some unusual object.
Satellite CoRoT found several vnesolnechnyh planets and a mysterious dark object of unknown nature. His weight 50 times lower than that of the Sun, and the density of 4 times larger than astronomers svintsa.Frantsuzskie, processing data from research satellite CoRoT, announced the discovery of three and possibly four sites seeking around normal stars. Two of them - the usual "hot Jupiter" CoRoT-Exo-4b and CoRoT-Exo-5b. Their mass accounted for 70% and 90% of the mass of the solar system's largest planet Jupiter, and around their stars, which are just over the Sun, these giants call for only 9 and 4 days, respectively; Yupiteru to obezhat Sun requires 12 years. However, interest is the fourth most reliably detected objects - CoRoT-Exo-3b. As a mass intermediate link between planets and stars, the object is too small to be a brown, or brown dwarfs that are considered basic types of objects with such masses. According to the European Space Agency, report the discovery of CoRoT-Exo-3b was presented at the ongoing conference at Harvard to find ekzoplanet transit method. In doing so, the average density of CoRoT-Exo-3b is about 45 grams per cubic centimeter, that exceeds twice the density of platinum, at 2.5 times - uranium and 4 times greater density of lead. The average density of Earth - a little more than 5 grams per cubic santimetr3, and the Sun - slightly more than 1 g/cm3. However, it should be understood that theory, in the calculations which diverge on this site has still not managed to accurately test the monitoring data: in most cases, scientists were not available at the same time, accurate data on mass and radius of objects. Only the future will show whether this theory is wrong or we really are dealing with some unusual object.